about us
Di Lucas, landscape architectDirector of Lucas Associates Limited, Christchurch, a Registered NZILA Landscape Architect and Life member of NZILA (2020), Di works in community-friendly planning and design processes for creative and sustainable solutions. Having skills in landscape assessment, landscape ecology and restoration, natural character analysis, community consultation, heritage values, sustainable resource management, creative problem solving and documentation, Di works on a range of projects around Aotearoa New Zealand. Projects vary in scale from broad frameworks for regions, districts and towns to planning development or restoration for specific sites, working for community, industry, landowners, iwi and government agencies.
Di has undertaken landscape assessments for a wide diversity of projects and locales, utilising an holistic approach. She has undertaken assessments and prepared plans and proposals under various conservation statutes as well as the RMA.
The Lucas Associates team has twice been awarded New Zealand’s premier landscape planning award, the NZILA Charlie Challenger Award, the only recipient of this award in the decade to 2005. Di received a NZILA landscape planning 2008 Gold Award for evidence to the Environment Court.
Assessment and Planning
Farm Planning to address GHG (greenhouse gas emissions), freshwater quality, indigenous biodiversity, and the landscape associated with individual farms.
Landscape assessment, reporting and preparation of evidence, including to council and Environment Court hearings, regarding landscape, natural and amenity values of rural and urban areas, terrestrial and marine environments, and sites, working variously for individuals, landowners, community groups, iwi, councils and government departments.
Community Plans
Facilitation of rapid community-based workshops ranging nationwide, town and/or country, with on-site immediate follow up preparation of community plans and documentation - typically a week or a month from “go to whoa”.
Biodiversity and Land
Collation and communication of complex scientific data through the interpretation of land, geomorphology and biodiversity, enabling restoration via easy to understand field booklets, brochures and plans.
Sustainable management plans recognising natural and cultural values, land use practices and alternative markets, through enhanced landscape management.